
Continuous Residential Support (CRS)

A CRS is a shared living arrangement for three or fewer DDS individuals. It is not licensed as a CLA but can provide 24-hour staff support.

Community Living Arrangement (CLA)

Community Living Arrangements (CLA) are Group Homes within the community providing residential services to individuals with Developmental Disabilities.

Supported Employment

This includes support to help individuals work as paid employees in work settings that also employ people without disabilities. These services assist individuals to find and apply for jobs and offer job coaching support to people once work is secured. This service includes individual and group-supported employment. This service is designed to provide support and supervision but is not intended to provide ongoing long-term 1:1 support to help a person complete their work activities.

Group Employment

These include sheltered workshops and day support options. These services are provided in a facility-based program that focuses on developing meaningful skills in the area of work, socialization and community participation.

Individual Day

This waiver service includes individually tailored supports that help consumers gain or maintain skills to participate more fully and productively in work, leisure or community activities. This may include the development of independent functioning skills, relationship skills, exploring job interests or retirement programs. It can also provide funds for staff supports for individuals who have their own businesses.

Day Service Option

Day Support Options (DSO). Supports to participants that lead to the acquisition, improvement, and/or retention of skills and abilities to prepare a Participant for work and/or community participation, or support meaningful socialization, leisure, and retirement activities. Supports include the development, maintenance or enhancement of independent functioning skills including but not limited to sensory-motor, cognition, personal grooming, hygiene, toileting, assistance in developing and maintaining friendships of choice and skills to use in daily interactions; the development of work skills; opportunities to earn money; opportunities to participate in community activities.

Respite Care

Respite is the temporary care of a person with a disability for the purpose of offering relief to the family or caregiver. It is a service that allows for time to reenergize, deal with emergency situations, or engage in personal, social, or routine activities and tasks that otherwise may be neglected, postponed, or curtailed due to the demands of caring for a person who has intellectual disabilities.


Available upon request.

Natural Supports

Many individuals with disabilities obtain and maintain employment through their own personal network of family and friends. Many employers will make reasonable accommodations to support a person with a disability and co-workers often provide assistance as part of the natural environment of the work setting.